AWL attends MODEX 2022, March 28-31, 2022

From March 28 till March 31, 2022, we are present at the exhibition MODEX 2022: The Premier Supply Chain Experience Tradeshow at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA, United States. And we are delighted to invite you to our booth #C5497!

We are ready to show off our logistics capabilities, such as high-tech grippers, vision technologies, and robot integration. Please visit us during the opening days and allow us to introduce you to our world of automation.

As a global partner delivering robotic material handling automation, AWL offers state-of-the-art solutions to ensure your productivity. Automation demands the seamless integration of supporting technologies. You expect efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Staff shortage has put your operation under pressure. Whether your warehouse or distribution center needs item picking, robotic sorting, or random mixed depalletizing,

AWL’s combined 30 years of expertise can keep you on time, on budget, and on track. With AWL, you’re ready to secure your future. Get Ready to Experience More.

More about our material handling solutions click here.

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